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Scott Redler is an associated member of T3 Trading Group, LLC (“T3TG”), a SEC registered Broker-Dealer & Member of FINRA SIPC. All trades made by Scott are placed through T3TG.

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Get my #1 weekly trade for virtually free
over the next 12 months!

“History is made in the stock market every week…”

You just need to be in the right trade.

Hi, I’m Scott Redler, chief market strategist for T3 Live. I’m a licensed stock broker and a professional trader since 1999.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned trading these past decades, it's that every week trading is different.

Historic even.

By my guess, I’ve traded for over 1,248 weeks straight.

And I’ve made some of the biggest calls in Wall Street history… some on live TV and was laughed at when I did.

For years, I’ve shared trading setups, marked up likely over 25,000+ charts…

My next weekly “power play” trade is going out this week.

You can get it… for virtually FREE.

In this market, it’s getting harder to pick winners and losers.

Get this #1 weekly trade each week FOR VIRTUALLY FREE if you follow the steps below.

You don’t need to be a day trader or be tied to your seat staring at a screen all day.

This #1 trade this week is not an options trade.

Just one email I send you each week could set you up to finally start winning with your trades.

One trade each week doesn’t sound like much…


You just never know when one weekly alert could be a massive money maker or saver for you.

Like when I recommended to sell everything on February 27, 2020… right before the fastest crash since the Great Depression.

The testimonials included in this image are made by individual subscribers to T3 Live Services. The experience of these individuals may not be representative of the experience of other subscribers, like yourself. In addition, the aforementioned testimonials do not guarantee future success by using such services. No consideration was paid to the individuals that submitted these testimonials.

This heads up saved tons of people a ton of losses…

And a lot of pain too. 

But not only that…

In April 2020, just after the bottom on March 23rd… I recommended getting back into buying, and the rest is history.

Here’s my point…

Every week in stocks is different.

If you know exactly WHAT to trade each week (as the market shifts), you can do very well.

I’ll send you not only the #1 trade to make next week…

I’ll send you the #1 trade to make EVERY WEEK

My most famous call was on the actual trading floor… with CNBC anchors and cameras in my face…

I told the anchors in mid-2008 the market was about to crash.

What did they do?

They laughed right in my face. Take a look  (around the 3 minute mark):

Needless to say, I was right, of course. And they had me back on (and still do).

They laughed at me again when gold was $700 and I told them it would go to $1,500 due to the money printing and debt taken on by the Great Recession.

I also said the same about Apple…

Apple went up 1,000% since.

These beat the market by 5-10x.

After the November 2016 election, Donald Trump won…

I highlighted DAILY tons of huge trades to make and told viewers, “There is more upside coming.”


The top idea of the week is getting back in when the market has dropped or gone sideways… and riding that elevator up

I was right again.

Then, in 2012, commodities started dropping, then rebounded… I warned it was a relief bounce and commodities like silver were still due to go down.

Silver collapsed and didn’t recover for 10 years.

These are trades that happened over 1 or 2 weeks… but had lifetime implications for you and your portfolio.

And the decisions you make can be the difference between being incredibly successful and profitable trading stocks… or getting your rear end kicked.

As the market bottomed out and recovered in 2012…

I made the call on my daily trading show… “The best stock to lead in the next bull market will be Netflix.”

Netflix had dropped over 60% from the 2007 highs at this point.

Watch what happened if you had bought Netflix that day…you would’ve gained nearly 2,000%.

Now, I’m a trader… one of Wall Street’s most recognized traders… so I don’t talk much about long-term holds… but Netflix was a high conviction call for me and worked great.

Stock shoots up 25% in 13 days… this time Google is lagging… DOWN 1% and the S&P up only 3%.

Meta up 4% in that timeframe.

Also hit an 11% win on Apple around June 2023 as well, a break even trade on XBI and a 14.3% win on Boeing

It was in AI.

Despite the bank issues, thanks to ChatGPT and OpenAI… AI stocks were still moving.

I saw this move repeating from the prior month… and we banked 22.2% in 1 day!

My #1 trade of the week… I call it my “Power Play”... has a stellar track record.

Every trade has an average hold time of 18 days…

And a net profit that (annualized) returns double what the market does on average. 

Meanwhile, the S&P was barely at a 1% move…

Nvidia was only up 2% that day.

We had some other small wins in there too with Microsoft popping 5% in a day…Google a 3% win a day.

All beating the market and other fast movers.

Some trades don’t work out as well… we tried to dip buy the banks in April with Charles Schwab (SCHW) and lost on that play.

But then, as the market shrugged off this bank scare…

I recommended to traders to go full throttle into the summer.

While Tesla faltered the prior weeks while we traded Google… it outpaced Google this time

Found an area of relative strength in the market and capitalized

A weekly trade like this can be life-changing.
You don’t need to shoot for 1,000% wins (that's super high risk) 

I told my team on November 1st, “we’ve hit a bottom.”

Rather than jumping into Tesla or Google as you just saw… Shopify (SHOP) looked poised to move higher after a strong earnings.

Here’s what happened:

Timed the bottom of the correction perfectly

Take just November 2023.

Market had corrected 11% from the top in August and slumped through Halloween…

Here’s what I did:

Sold it at the top before the stock pulled back.

You can’t get greedy with trades. You’re nailing down double-digit profits and moving on.

The trade only took 17 days too.

I didn’t stop there. The market was streaking and I wanted to go along for the ride.

Again, bypassing the big name “Magnificent 7” stocks… I got into Block/Square (SQ).

SQ was my #1 trade the week after SHOP & PLTR.

It did even better…

But sometimes we don’t sell fast enough. I bet some of my weekly traders skimmed their profits, but I didn’t.

That’s how trading goes.

Our setup was correct… just the stock didn’t follow-through as much as we wanted.

You accept that as part of your trading journey.

At one point early in my trading career…
I was minutes away from losing $200,000

Sure, every trade we make isn’t a winner and everyone doesn’t make money, but you can make yourself better at learning how to trade the markets.

But this didn’t happen by accident.

I put in the work. I get up early. Kiss my wife and son goodbye, and off for a long day of trading.

If there’s a movie made about my life, it’d be called “The Workhorse.”

It’s not a life for everyone.

However, I believe it has to be done.

These are consistent, low-risk setup trades.

We’re not talking about options here… although you could trade those on these plays if you want. (and 1-2x per year, my top trade, my “Power Play”, is an option).

If you put on one trade per week netting a win ever 18 days over the long haul… you’re growing your account at a brisk pace.

That’s not a guarantee and past results are no promise of future returns…

But I started releasing my “Power Plays” in 2021.

That’s when the market was slowing down from the 2020 rush… and then went into 2022 (one of the worst bear markets) and then rebound in 2023.

So, my “Power Play” track record has already endured the best and worst markets and still came out far ahead of most traders.

The average trader also only wins about 40% of the time.

My Power Play #1 weekly trade is around a 64% win rate.

Sometimes while preparing for the trading day, I’m also being featured on Fox Business, CNBC, maybe The Wall Street Journal, The Street, Marketwatch, Forbes, Investors Business Daily.

in 1998, I began trading smack in the middle of one of the hottest tech bubbles of all-time.

Some might call that good luck.

I call it a crash course in how to trade and how not to trade.

Over the next couple months, I watched the Nasdaq go from 3,000 to 5,000… then crash to 1,000.

And, I wasn’t fully ready for it. 

Suddenly, my entire account is down $40,000.

Not having a plan, I buy more. “Buy the dip”, that’s what the young guns say, right?

Now, I’m down $60,000.

This is all happening over the span of half an hour…

My parents only made about $60,000 per year in their salary as hairdressers. No way am I calling them to tell this fiasco.

I’m crying my eyes out. I stumble back to my apartment and pass out.

Next morning, I’m down a whopping $90,000. I lost $30,000 while I snoozed.

Opening bell hit, I sold everything. Total loss = $80,000.

By the end of the day, if I had held, I’d have been down $200,000+.

Fortunately, a chunk of that $80,000 loss was profits from prior month trading. Else, I’d have been bankrupt again, and you likely would not be reading this letter. (I’d be back DJ-ing bar mitzvahs like I used to as a young Red Dog)

We had 200 traders in our firm speculating on stuff like, early Amazon during the bubble… everyone was making money.

Until they weren’t.

I’ve been on many financial lists alongside billionaires…
but this is the only one my son thinks is ‘fun’.

One week in 2001, the bubble burst… by 2002, our firm shrunk to just 30 traders as many slipped into different careers.

It was around this time I realized I had no idea what I was doing.

I had no plan. No real strategy. I was trading based on emotions and “gut” instinct.

That’s why today there’s no bull here. None allowed.

At my trading company, T3 Live (which I co-founded in 2007), we have traders online most of the trading day talking about wins and losses in real-time.

All follow a set plan. 

Life-changing trading strategy #1:
Use my go-to 8/21 indicator
(it’s free)

How did I discover the importance of changing my market approach each week?

Well… I’ve been trading since 1998. Today, I’ve been featured on most major financial TV channels

There are 3 secrets to finding the #1 play each week.

If you can learn this, you’ll become a better trader.


Because these historic opportunities are happening at a moment’s notice.

You don’t know what week in the year can produce outsized gains.

Let me show you a few recent examples.

In March 2023, out of nowhere, Silicon Valley Bank collapsed. One of the top 5 biggest bank busts of all time.

A few others like PACB follow in its footsteps.

Stocks corrected.

Many sitting on their hands thinking this was a ‘Lehman Brothers 2.0’ moment. Having traded through Lehman, it certainly felt that way, no doubt.

But, by watching the charts, understanding price movement…and, frankly, having the experience of living through other ‘black swan’ events...

You could’ve beat the market easily with double-digit winners in a matter of a month.

And passed these ideas on to the top media outlets in the world.

You’ll regularly see me on Fox Business, CNBC… you name it.

They all come to me to find out where the next big move in the markets is coming from.

Today, I’m going above and beyond that.

Normally, for the last 25 years, I’ve only shared my trades after I’ve put them on. I’ve warned of crashes and alerted of coming bull markets in sectors.

Times are different.

Because of inflation up over 12%+ since 2021 … and higher in many areas despite what the government reports…

Simply buying and holding stocks to make 8-10% per year isn’t enough.

Buy and hold would’ve lost you over 22% in 2022.

Markets move faster than ever with algorithmic trading, the 24/7 news cycle and increased market liquidity.

You need to be able to navigate the market to survive.

2017 saw the market return a whopping 20% on the year after I told viewers more upside was coming post-election.

Every Monday, I'll send you a trade in the morning… Put on the trade...

Do nothing until 18 days later (on average).

You’re set.

This is the first time in 25 years I've sent out trades from my actual recommendations... and now you're getting access.

Still…. 14% gains in an average of 28 days is pretty sweet.

Some trades are small-timey 3% wins:

    - EHTH= had a $9k position in it in 2023… made 3%, so $288. In just 2 days.

That’s nothing to write home about… but that’s okay. $288 to just click buy then sell in 48 hours, that’s a few dinners out.

    - ARR = bought shares for $18k total, made 3% ($559) in less than 24 hours.

I didn’t get greedy either. I sold into strength… took the win and moved on.

Stock then cratered 50% over the next 12 months.

This top trade has beat the market by 5-10x in the past… but also stomped the returns of similar stocks in its sector.

Here’s one trade I recommended during the 2023 Silicon Valley Bank collapse

I showed you about us getting back in post-Covid drop…

But that’s an extreme example.

What about normal corrections in the market?

You’ll find some of the best entry points of your life during it.

A 20% move in a few weeks…

While the FAANGs and Teslas did 50% less.

The S&P 500 only bumped 4%.

Meaning, you’re beating the market by 5X that month.

I’ll also be honest…

Sometimes, there’s not one… but TWO big trades in a week to make.

That same week as the Shopify trade, I also recommended Palantir (PLTR). Guess what?

A 18.3% winner. Outstripping the market by 4.5X.

Past trades beat the market by 5-10X every 18 days

I’ll give you my #1 Power Play trade each week for the next 12 months…

If you get a lifetime copy of my popular trading course, Path to Profits

I’ve taught the Path to Profits Course
in-person for $4,995!

It’s the soup-to-nuts way I trade the markets (and win). Every pattern, indicator and setup I use to trade daily


The #1 trade that week…

Google. Was a 16% winner in 10 days.

Meanwhile, the S&P 500 was up less than 2%... Tesla worse than that.

Another FAANG name, Meta was up 4% in that timeframe… We beat that by 4X and beat the market by 8X.

See, it’s not just about making money when the market’s up…

It’s knowing WHERE to find the outperformers.

If you bought Tesla that same week, you would’ve underperformed the S&P 500.

And if you can’t outperform the indexes, you might as well not trade.

Or, find someone to help you trade better.

Think it was all luck?

Red Dog’s been at this awhile… it’s not luck.

Look at what happens two weeks later…

It’s Tesla’s turn…

A 22% winner in 2 weeks.


- Nvidia was DOWN 2% in the same timeframe
- Tesla up 5%
- Meta up just 4%
- The Nasdaq was up a paltry 1%
- S&P up 3%

Again, you’re stomping market returns by 22X and 7X respectively.

We had another winner in gold as it took off. GLD trades yielded 8-15% gains.

Also tried Tesla and lost 4% at the end of November. The Tesla trade was just a 4 day trade.

Look how it started off strong:

The testimonials included in this image are made by individual subscribers to T3 Live Services. The experience of these individuals may not be representative of the experience of other subscribers, like yourself. In addition, the aforementioned testimonials do not guarantee future success by using such services. No consideration was paid to the individuals that submitted these testimonials.

The testimonials included in this image are made by individual subscribers to T3 Live Services. The experience of these individuals may not be representative of the experience of other subscribers, like yourself. In addition, the aforementioned testimonials do not guarantee future success by using such services. No consideration was paid to the individuals that submitted these testimonials.


The testimonials included in this image are made by individual subscribers to T3 Live Services. The experience of these individuals may not be representative of the experience of other subscribers, like yourself. In addition, the aforementioned testimonials do not guarantee future success by using such services. No consideration was paid to the individuals that submitted these testimonials.

You’ll see tons of testimonials today from traders who not only have made money following me…

But also changed entirely how they trade.

Without any new software…

With the option to quit or not quit their job…

With the opportunity to grow their account without big drawdowns.

That’s what I want to show you based on over 25+ years trading.

The testimonials included in this image are made by individual subscribers to T3 Live Services. The experience of these individuals may not be representative of the experience of other subscribers, like yourself. In addition, the aforementioned testimonials do not guarantee future success by using such services. No consideration was paid to the individuals that submitted these testimonials.

The testimonials included in this image are made by individual subscribers to T3 Live Services. The experience of these individuals may not be representative of the experience of other subscribers, like yourself. In addition, the aforementioned testimonials do not guarantee future success by using such services. No consideration was paid to the individuals that submitted these testimonials.

It's the transparency I wish I had when I started.

Look, I’m two blocks down from the New York Stock Exchange.

I’m sometimes on the floor myself.

Maybe I’m talking to Fox Business, The New York Times, CNBC, TD Ameritrade, Investors Business Daily… you name it.

Jim Cramer has hit me up about “Hey, what do you think about this bull market… what about Facebook?”

I’m there at the heart of it all. The teeth of the beast.

You don’t think I don’t hear all the ‘behind closed door’ crap that goes on around Wall Street?

It happens everywhere, everyday.

Which is why I set out to create the best place on the internet to learn about trading without the fluff and the deception.

The rewards of trading have allowed me to travel the world with my family, volunteer, give dozens of keynotes, and rub shoulders with some elite folks.

...including billionaire Mark Cuban. titan, Steve Forbes

...New York Hall of Fame legends like Reggie Jackson

...even Grammy award winners, like Cee Lo Green

I was also named one of the Top 7 Poker Players on Wall Street alongside billionaires, Carl Icahn, Ken Griffin, Cliff Asness, and New York Mets owner, Steve Cohen.

Maybe I’ll show you 3 D Systems here...

That morning in May, I revealed how its big corrective move could set it up for a fast move upwards.

Sure enough…

The stock nearly doubled by July 1st.

It ticked all the boxes… and followed all 3 of my indicators which I’ll show you today.

On Monday, you may see me alert about a stock like:


Here I tell you to watch it as it’s consolidating and “very tight.” Meaning, it could explode at any moment.

This was June 22nd BEFORE the bell.

9:30 came, stock was up only a buck or two… but later that afternoon, it broke out and rode 30 points and beyond.

That very day… I’m telling you… it broke out if you had been following me.

Of course, I won’t promise stocks will pop that very day.

Market does what the market wants.

But I’ll stick to a stock like a dog on a bone.

Like this progression --->

On the morning of January 20, 2021, I was watching Apple.

Pay attention as you could be getting a similar alert…

I mention the stock’ll need a move to the $130 area for me to put my money into play.

Stock made a move that same day…

Moved to $132…

But this is where I help you along.

I don’t leave you stranded as the stock breaks out.

As it continues to run, I tell you about how I’m adding to my own position in it.

It was making its way to all-time highs, and then broke out from that. So, of course, I’m adding to my position with a stop loss around the breakout point.

Now, you may be a little newer at all this than me.

The first 4 months of 2024, only 94 large cap stocks had YTD returns over 20%. That’s out of 9,586 available stocks on the major exchanges.

The set up for this indicator is simple if you’re a trader.

Overlay with the 8-day Exponential Moving Average
Overlay with the 21-day Exponential Moving Average

Many traders use the 10-day/20-day, but over 23 years, I’ve found the 8/21 to be the most reliable.

You’ll notice a lot of my trades happen when the stock price shoots above the 8/21 lines.

When the stock is above 8/21, it means the stock is bullish and worth riding up.

That’s averaging just 5%+ returns per month.

My trades average 7% every 18 days.

First, because we’re trading, not holding.

Second, we’re only pursuing stocks that follow my indicators.

My ebook about this indicator has been read by over 13,400 people.

I’ve traveled the world to share this with other traders.

Here I am in Ukraine helping traders follow my process.

Take a look:

Great example I like to use with Tesla.

1. We have another good entry or add…

2. Add again

3. Then, we see a potential sell point as weakness shows price dropping below 8/21 moving averages

4. Then, another entry point… but with yet another potential shakeout.

1. The light blue and green lines are the 8-day and 21-day line respectively. Notice how early November, we hop in as it crosses both moving averages.

2. As it touches the 8-day line, we’re adding to the position as it shows strength.

3. Up until the “Red Dog Reversal” candle in February i.e. a stock is showing signs of topping on high volume but long top wick.

4. Then, once the price shows weakness below the 8-day, I’m cautious. Below the 21-day, I’m long gone.

5. Until… the stock shows signs of coming back and we’re back in and adding!

Let’s keep looking…

Fast forward the chart a few months:

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Nearly 4 months of gains were wiped if you didn’t stay ahead of the market.

Putting on my weekly top trade is easy.

You can be a part-time trader or full-time. Doesn’t matter. Most of my trades are straight buying a stock and leaving it.

There’s no risky moves like shorting stocks.

Maybe 1-2x per year, I’ll throw in an option buy if my conviction is strong enough.

Be at work, get the alert, put the trade and (if necessary) a stop loss on your phone and continue your day.

5. If you stuck with the trade, you could add or re-entry in early 2021

This isn’t my trading log here…

Just an example of how I’d approach the trade with the 8-day/21-day.

Of course, you’ll tell me, “Red Dog, there are going to be hundreds of stocks above the 8-day/21-day exponential moving average.”

You’re right.

That’s why this is just the starting point…

We’re setting the table here, but we’re not done.

The North Korea missile scare of 2017 shook the markets. “ Would this be WWIII?” etc.

I got into a trade as the market held about the 8/21. Watch as it flew despite the geopolitical ‘stories’ scaring everyone.

I have an entire 15 minute presentation on using the 8/21 lines.

This presentation alone will change your trading overnight.

Here’s another weekly trade I made during a surprise in the market.

The testimonials included in this image are made by individual subscribers to T3 Live Services. The experience of these individuals may not be representative of the experience of other subscribers, like yourself. In addition, the aforementioned testimonials do not guarantee future success by using such services. No consideration was paid to the individuals that submitted these testimonials.

The testimonials included in this image are made by individual subscribers to T3 Live Services. The experience of these individuals may not be representative of the experience of other subscribers, like yourself. In addition, the aforementioned testimonials do not guarantee future success by using such services. No consideration was paid to the individuals that submitted these testimonials.

Rather than just give you the trades... I'd rather you know how to find my "Power Play" trades yourself. 

Path to Profits is a powerful video course that takes you step-by-step through my unique trading system.

You receive 2 hours of on-demand video, my 179-page course guide, plus an incredible bonus that multiplies the value of the program (more on this below).

Throughout Path to Profits, you’ll notice that my entire system is based around harnessing price action.

It’s literally how I’ve earned a living over the past two decades.

This isn’t 2020-2021 anymore.

Stocks are moving faster, they’re dropping quicker.

Check this out:

In 2024… tech stocks went straight up from January - mid April.

In 1 week, they gave back all their gains.

You’ll see 3 more examples of weekly trades I put on that soared based on abrupt changes in the stock market.

Because, like I said, stocks change every week.

But there’s more to finding these weekly trades including:

- How to spot when a trend reverses
- How to find which stocks will outpace the market and the industry
- How I identify stock market tops and bottoms
- Spotting “Tiers” in stock prices to figure out the potential upside and downside

…and more.


As a trade moves, we’ll scale into it which is simply just grabbing up more shares to increase our exposure.

If the stock rings the bell for some gains, we may trip a quarter or half the position.

I’d rather give you the trades for a year… but better yourself as a trader.

That’s why:

Module 1: Introduction

- Understand the mindset of a professional trader that risks capital every day in real market conditions to earn his paycheck
- Learn about Scott’s background as a trader, in-demand media expert, and instructor

Module 2: Moving Averages for Rapid Trend Analysis

- See why a simple SPX chart with 4 specific indicators is more powerful than 10 million headlines about nuclear wars, economic collapses, and political disasters
- Understand Scott’s unique method for determining how aggressive he should be at any given time
- Quickly judge how powerful the market trend is
- Spot when trend changes occur so you can take advantage
- Understand the right way to analyze scary ‘end of the world’ news headlines
- How to avoid getting steamrolled being against the trend

Module 3: Turning Chart Patterns Into Potential Profits

- Avoid the account-destroying mistake traders make with bullish and bearish chart patterns
- Learn how Scott’s trading approach guides the types of patterns he seeks out
- Get 6 real-world case studies of trading patterns playing out
- Understand the exact time when you do not want to ‘get clever’
- See how moving average breaks combine with chart patterns for powerful up and downtrends

Module 4: The Red Dog Reversal Strategy

- Catch countertrend moves in overbought or oversold stocks
- Detect major trend changes in the market and individual stocks
- Get concrete risk parameters to keep emotion out of the equation, and know exactly went to get out
- Find both day and swing entries on the long and short sides
- Take advantage when other traders get too greedy or fearful
- Avoid the risky game of guessing when a reversal will happen

Module 5: The H Sell Setup

- Exploit dip buyers that keep going back to the well (they panic, you profit)
- Make money when the hottest momentum stocks break down
- Get Scott’s specific entry/exit parameters to keep risk under control
- Understand cascading short patterns that pay off again and again (sometimes in the same day!)

Module 6: Professional Trade Management with the Tier System

- Understand a real professional’s approach to trade management
- Know the major mistake most traders make with stops
- Stop adding or subtracting size randomly, and simplify your trade management with the Tier System
- Learn Scott’s ‘Day Count Rules’ to better understand the progression of a swing trade

Module 7: Putting the System Together With Active Trading Sequences

- Combine multiple concepts like gaps, trendlines, flags, Red Dog Reversals, and moving averages for a full understanding of how the market really works
- End your fear of what’s coming next by picking up ‘hidden’ clues that most traders ignore
- Understand signals that signal potential tops and bottoms so you can be ready for the next one
- Recognize the kind of candlestick that means ugly times are ahead
- Spot a “Monster” Red Dog Reversal that can signal a powerful shift in sentiment

Again, I’ve taught people this exact course LIVE at a $4,995 ticket price.

Online versions have gone for $795.

You can get a lifetime access pass for a limited time to Path to Profits for just $99.

When you claim it…

I’ll give you a 12-month pass to my weekly trade recommendations.

Power Plays has one goal.

Deliver to you my very best trade of the week that should beat the market and other stocks in its sector.

Because the market shifts and shakes every week, it’s important you’re ahead of the game.

One week can make or break.

I remember being on the trading floor during the tech bubble burst. Being a rookie, I didn’t know what to do.

The easy money in tech evaporated… so did 70% of the trading firms I worked with.

I never forgot those lessons.

History is made every week in the stock markets… and there are hidden profits if you know where to look.

Your Path to Profits Curriculum

My weekly recommendations have seen trades that 5-10X the market since 2021

Now, you can get access to this weekly trade inside my ONLY alert service, Power Plays

Get Power Plays FREE for the next 12 months with a purchase of Path to Profits

Here’s my #1 stock to trade every single week no matter what the market is doing

(it’s not an ETF or Nvidia, Tesla, Google, etc.)

What You Get as a Subscriber to Power Plays:
And I’ll give you access FOR FREE if you join now & order Path to Profits

Power Plays is for the investor that wants actionable info from someone they can trust.

For years, I’ve been releasing Annual Market Outlook Reports where I spell out EXACTLY which names I think can potentially outperform for the upcoming year.

And Power Plays gives you these big-picture ideas on a more frequent basis.

My goal is to give you 1 top idea every single week on average -- the best of the best.

Some weeks, you may get 2 ideas. Others, when the market isn't right, I'll send you a lesson instead.

I see endless opportunities to potentially make money when I look at the current market landscape.

We have:

Electric Vehicles: like it or not, we are moving towards electric cars and trucks in a big, big way.

Commodities: Just closed a winner in SLV (silver) for an 18% win in 2 weeks!

IPOs: I LOVE IPOs because there’s guaranteed fireworks. IPO activity is picking up post-Covid… and you’ll be there for it.

AI & Robotics: we could have robots working for us within 5 years. AI is creeping into every aspect of the workforce now.

Travel and Consumer: Retail reports can move these suckers quickly. Traded names like NCLH and JETS.

PLUS… we have my bread & butter names like SPY, QQQ, IWM, Amazon (AMZN), Netflix (NFLX), and AMD (AMD)... the names that give potential opportunities over and over again… if you know exactly when to get in.

OXY popped 26% over the next 2 months

Once per week (typically Monday-Thursday), I’ll shoot you a message with my latest and greatest big idea. Typically, it's a stock or ETF, but sometimes you'll get an options idea if that's what looks best at the moment.

You’ll see exactly why I like it, and where I think it can go.

Power Plays are super easy to put to work - even if you just have a Robinhood or Webull account.

There’s no guesswork.

- And every Friday, I’ll send you a summary of all the names I like so you know where we stand on each.
- I'll drop you some bonus educational insights so you can become a smarter, more informed investor.
- Plus, I’ll send you over an email alert whenever something big happens with one of our names.

For example, a stock may get taken over, we might get bullish guidance, or a name gets caught up in a meme stock craze.

So in just minutes a week, you’ll get my absolute best idea so you can live the life you want.

It’ll look just like this:


Let me share with you my #1 stock to trade every week even if the market is down or sideways.

I’ve talked about this stock on literally 100s of videos. There’s always a trade set up in it.

- Every institution owns it
- It never just goes straight up or straight down (traders thrive on buying dips and selling extensions)
- The volume is over 15M shares per day so the bid/ask spreads are extremely tight.

I’ve traded this stock likely 1,000+ times in the last decade and they’ve been a consistent winner for me.

The stock isn’t Tesla or Nvidia or some high risk endeavor.

My #1 stock to trade in any market moves steadily making it a high-reward but low-risk trade.

Get my analysis and pick inside this FREE bonus report, Scott’s #1 Stock to Trade Each Week in ANY Market.

This is a $50 value as a bonus just for joining Power Plays and Path to Profits today.

Path to Profits works for part-time or full-time traders. Swing traders or day traders. My strategies work for all.

Now, this is a limited time offer to get Path to Profits and a 12-month free pass to Power Plays.

I normally sell this (and have a ton of times) individually as it’s my secret sauce to trading well.

However, I’d rather you not only get the education…

But start executing right away with real-life trades in Power Plays.

Reading about trading does you no good if you can’t put it to work.

So far…

You’re getting:

- 1-2x trades of the week --- my very best idea for the week. Ideas proven to beat the market and other stocks in its sector. That’s our goal.

- Real-time alerts --- so whether you trade full-time or part-time, you’re on top of our trades. When to add more, trim, or sell out.

- My #1 stock to trade in any market --- my free book releasing my #1 stock to trade. I’ve never shared this before in this format. You get the first look at no charge.

- The Path to Profits full course --- the masterclass in how I trade and how I’ve done well in every market since 1999. Normally, taught LIVE, it’s yours as a free bonus.

We’re looking at over $5,295 of value right now.

But there’s more…

That’s my “WHY” for trading. It gives me the freedom to do what I want, when I want. And it has for the last 25+ years.

I can pour my soul into my wife and son to give them every tool they need to succeed… and to spoil them too. We’ve traveled the world together and have more trips planned.

You can start with one simple idea every week.

Get that idea for yourself with Power Plays.

The normal price is $299 for the year…

But you can get 12-months for FREE right now.

And when you join, I’ll throw in this special bonus:

And of course - my goal is to help you make money in the background so you can pay your bills which keep going up from inflation…

Maybe take an extra vacation you deserve, or just go out for a nice dinner with your spouse in the middle of the week.

For me… I spend my time running Iron Mans and coaching my son’s lacrosse and basketball teams.

Power Plays is easy to follow, easy to use
No matter what kind of trader you are
Beginner, intermediate or advanced.

Each week, I’ll share my “Weekly Roundup” on what the market and our "Power Play" trades are doing

Be there each week for potential life-changing trades.

My best play in 2020 wasn’t on a big name stock…
(but, it changed lives)

Sometimes, I use these Weekly Roundups to project out caution or bullishness.

Like this note from early 2022:

Consider it the ‘cliff notes’ version of the trading week.

I’ll share:

- Where I think the market is going
- Updates on our current Power Plays
- Any macro events affecting stocks (and what could happen next)

…and more.

I warned investors to be cautious and that there is likely more downside coming in stocks.

(2022 was one of the worst years on record for stocks ever).

Get a heads-up before the next February 2020-like ‘sell everything’ event happens.

You’ll be AHEAD of the masses every time.

Not only that…

Inside Power Plays, I share EVERY SINGLE open position I have in my own trading account.

As you get more content from me, you’ll find I’m an open book. Plus, being a registered broker, I have to be more transparent with everything I do.

So, at the bottom of each round-up and trade alert…

I share every open position in my portfolio:

Here’s an example…

Every alert and round-up will show ALL my open positions so you can see where I’m at

I’m an active trader. Full-time.

As you can imagine, as a full-time day trader and swing trader, I’ll have open 30+ positions at one time.

Get a glimpse into the account of a true trader.

I do this so you know what I’m doing… plus, transparency and compliance so you see I’m not front-running anything.

That peek into my personal account is also FREE with Power Plays.

Meaning, now you get:

- 1-2x trades of the week --- my very best idea for the week. Ideas proven to beat the market and other stocks in its sector. That’s our goal.

- Real-time alerts --- so whether you trade full-time or part-time, you’re on top of our trades. When to add more, trim, or sell out.

- My #1 stock to trade in any market --- my free book releasing my #1 stock to trade. I’ve never shared this before in this format. You get the first look at no charge.

- The Path to Profits full course --- the masterclass in how I trade and how I’ve done well in every market since 1999. Normally, taught LIVE, it’s yours as a free bonus.

- My weekly roundup --- insights on where the market is going, updates on our positions etc.

- A secret peek into my own personal trades --- every alert, round-up, message you’ll see my open positions I have that day. See exactly where my head (and money) is.

We’re talking over $5,650 in value right here…

We sell an annual subscription to Power Plays for $299 (and traders pay it).

And those who pay $299 do NOT get access to my Path to Profits course. You do!

But you aren’t paying $299…

Or, $199…

For just $99, you gain access to Power Plays, my Path to Profits course, my #1 stock to trade each week, access to my personal trades open that day, and more.

$99 is a steal when you could get over 52 trades per year… plus, all the content and help from me each week.

To join, click the ADD TO CART button below and you’ll go to a secure order form to finish your order.

It was on FCEL.

I recommended based on my indicators I showed you before… to get in at $2.75


I trimmed a lot of my position at $20… a 627% winner!

The stock topped out a few weeks later before crashing back below $7.

I walked you through getting in… and watching for spots on getting out.

If you had put just $500 in when I did… it would’ve profited $3,135…

That would pay for more than a year of Power Plays with just one trade!

I recommended that in November 2020…

By February, I had updated you and other subscribers almost daily on the position…

Until it topped out around $28...

A 627% win in 2 months! What a weekly trade!

Don’t want my handpicked ideas, selected from the thousands of names out there? That’s okay. But think about your alternatives.

You can go it alone… spending hours a day doing research, analyzing charts, and reading financials… and that’s ON TOP of your day job and family life.

You can listen to one of the new 17-year old YouTube stock “gurus.”

You can watch TV, listen to talking heads with no skin in the game.

Or, you can do nothing. You can sit back and watch stocks go up without you. You can watch your savings get eaten away by inflation.

I wake up at 4:45a every morning to start my day. The market doesn’t open until 9:30a.

I’m the FIRST one in the office at T3 Live everyday. You’ll find me plugging away at charts before many traders even get out of bed.

I designed Power Plays to be as easy to use as possible.

In my emails, I lay out my thesis on each idea, including where I think it can go.

All in plain English.

And if you’re on board with the idea, all you have to do is fire up your platform and hit the buy button.

You don’t need any fancy software or indicators.

You just need a few minutes to scan my emails and decide what’s best for you.

Doesn’t that sound better than spending hours a day reading SEC filings and articles until you’re blue in the face?

Your Cost of Not Joining Both Path to Profits and Power Plays...

The Best Case Scenario:
Your Investing Life Changes Forever

This is my passion.

You expect to go against top traders like me following a few hot tips from your friends?

My trading days go 12+ hours easy.

In hockey, the “Power Play” is when one team has more players on the other team due to a penalty.

That ‘extra man’ on the ice makes it the easiest time to score and win.

Think of me as your “Power Play” extra man in your corner giving you the best chance to win.

Trying to trade alone without putting in hours per trade is a futile mission.

I’m willing to offer this $99 Path to Profits + Power Plays subscription because this is just the beginning of our journey together.

Once you start trading my stock picks, seeing how I’ve traded since 1998, you’ll want to keep going.

That’s my goal and it should be yours as well.


I believe in aiming high in life AND in the markets.

And I don’t want to just throw you a few ideas and hope for the best.

I want you to win over and over again so you can have a fatter bank account and live the life you want.

I want you to see that there can be a better way to do things if you aim high and challenge yourself.

Is every idea going to work?

Of course not. You know that, right?

But based on my 25+ years of real world experience as a licensed professional trader, I have total confidence I can help you.

I want this to be 100% risk-free for you.

That’s all.

Because if you just gain 15% on a stock in 18 days… A $1,000 trade yields $150 in 2 weeks…

You’d pay off the subscription with that one trade! Plus, have extra to go out to eat.

And that’s 1 trade.  

So, you have 60-days to try out Power Plays. You’ll get 8-10 stock picks in that timeframe. Plus, access to my Path to Profits course and 8 weekly round-ups.

If you don’t enjoy anything I’m offering…

If you don’t feel I can help you make money…

Then just email and get a full refund in 24 hours.

The testimonials included in this image are made by individual subscribers to T3 Live Services. The experience of these individuals may not be representative of the experience of other subscribers, like yourself. In addition, the aforementioned testimonials do not guarantee future success by using such services. No consideration was paid to the individuals that submitted these testimonials.

We average a positive return every 18 days.  

Now, I can’t promise or guarantee any returns. I’m a registered broker-dealer.

However, I have shown you my winning trades and my track record for our weekly trade.

Plus, it’s not all about profits.

You also have a trader in your corner helping you that’s in the trenches daily.

Many other trading ‘gurus’ out there haven’t been around the block like me. Maybe they started trading in 2020 like millions of others…

Or, they’ve only traded since post-Great Recession and haven’t lived in the markets through a brutal bear market.

Not to mention, many don’t have the experience simply teaching concepts like I do.

- Since 2007, I’ve been at the front of T3 Live sharing trading ideas.

- From 2011-2016, I recorded a DAILY update show we streamed.

- From 2017-present, I’ve recorded a pre-market and post-market video on setups, trades, overall market sentiment, etc.

In total, I’ve recorded over 2,000+ videos. Most of them teach YOU how to trade the current markets.

You could put my resume next to anyone’s out there for trading and teaching, and I’d likely beat them by a mile.

Let me show you starting with a subscription to Power Plays for just $99 today.

Click the ADD TO CART button now… get a 60-day money back policy to boot… get my popular Path to Profits course free…

But, more importantly…

Let me send you my top trade to make this week. It’ll hit your inbox on Monday, and the latest, Thursday.

It’s likely a high growth stock primed to move quickly.

You can only see it in Power Plays . Get access for free for the next 12 months with a Path to Profits purchase.

Join me today,

Scott “Red Dog” Redler
Editor of Power Plays, Presenter of Path to Profits & Co-Founder of T3 Live