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4 trades in 4 hours over 4 days…

Join Sami LIVE March 25th - March 28th
for just 1 hour per day

Discover how to swing trade stocks
like I’ve done full-time for the last 20 years

This 4 hours over 4 days training is the fastest training I’ve ever done… so I only have time for my BEST secrets

Hi, my name is Sami Abusaad and you’re invited to my first ever 4 trades in 4 hours over 4 days event.

This event is called SST Live.

SST = Strategic Swing Trader.

It’s a fun, interactive crash course into how I swing trade and make a full-time living trading over the last 20 years.

And with the markets hitting all-time highs in 2024…

You still have time to start learning, profiting and add a second stream of income to your arsenal.

Or, if you’re already a full-time trader, come share notes and get new trade ideas.

Because that’s what you’re going to learn over the next 4 days.

I’ve taught trading classes that are 40+ hours long and charged $2,500- $5,000+ to attend.

(I’m doing another of those classes in May and those seats are sold out… so that chance has passed).

I wanted to be able to help those interested in swing trading, but not wanting such a deep, dense course.

Now, you can.

With SST Live  you can access my best swing trading secrets in:

- 90% less time
- 99% less COST to attend

Again, I’m used to diving deep into a live session…

But I’ve challenged myself (for your benefit) to teach my best, sought-after strategies in just 4 hours over 4 days.

Why over 4 days?

For two reasons:

1. Sitting anywhere for 4 hours is A LOT. (even most good movies know to stay under 2.5 hours).

You have a life, responsibilities, things to do… I’m not going to take 4 hours of your day during the work week.

Plus, staying focused for 4 hours is very difficult. I don’t want you to miss a thing.

Every day, you can come back refreshed and ready to go.

Not only that…

2. You get 4 trades over 4 days to make!

That’s a guarantee.

They may not all be on the same day.

But having 4 trades over 4 days allows me to discuss each market day as each market day is different! You know that.

If I dump 4 trades on you in one day and the market craters the next day, you’re no better off.

That’s why SST Live is interactive, fun, engaging…

It’s a dynamic class and opportunity I’ve never offered before.

And, honestly, I’ve never seen anyone else ever offer this type of swing trading content over 4 days…and at the price I’m giving it to you.

By the end of the 4 days… on March 29th…

You’ll have put on 4 trades… may have even closed one for a win. Who knows.

You’ll discover how I spotted this breakout on ULTA… and the best entry and exit points for it.

Here’s my track record over 3,301 trades since publicly sharing my trades

(You could’ve made over $473,716
if you invested just $1,000 into each trade)

That was a nice $4,581 profit.

Or, how did I spot this play on GE?

I bought it right at the bottom as it traded sideways.

Then, POPPED like mad in February. 

I’m not reading boring, drabby SEC filings ever.

I’m just looking at a stock chart and I’m trading that ticker based on what the price is doing.

That’s it. And that’s all you’re going to have to do.

We’re not looking to win every trade.

We cut losses as fast as we can…

And we run our winners as high as we can in Stage 2 to as close to a Stage 3 as possible… but are very conservative about not being greedy.

Over 3,301 trades, here are the stats:

- ~40% win rate
- Average winner on Long trades = $1,438
- Average loser on Long trades = -$637
- Total profit if you invested $1,000 in every trade (winners and losers) = $473,716

You had a shot at nearly half a million dollars since 2017 with just $1,000 invested in each trade.

Here are the top 20 losing trades out of the 3,301…

Top 20 worst swing trades of all-time for me since 2017

I trade a ton of different types of stocks.

Big names like Tesla…

I’ve traded 19x and hold a profit of $13,816. Biggest loss being -$1000… but big winners including $5,680, $4,095, $3,748…

Here’s one from 2023 I caught at the very beginning of January as the market snapped back.

Or AMD… the semiconductor company (all the rage right now)...

I traded 5x in 2023.

Total profit = $7,156.

What am I trading right now… this instant?

During SST Live, you’ll see we’re not holding these stocks for years.

We could be in a trade on March 26th and out by March 27th.

That’s what will make this short event so exciting.

We’ll all be in trades together sharing what’s going on, how to handle the trade, how I approach that trade, and more.

Most stock trades I recommend are only open for about 28 days or so on average. Sometimes they're open for a lot less.

Like this one trade:

ENDP open for just 6 days… 50% gains.

This is one of my best swing trades ever

Join me March 25th - March 29th from 5-6pm daily for the first ever SST Live

A ticket is less than $25 per day

You get all my best secrets packed into 1 hour per day… PLUS, get 4 trades I’ll make alongside you!

Sometimes it takes, you know, 28+ days from open to close and that’s fine.

PRAX took 29 days to bank 81%.

Stock goes vertical after I alerted it.

Strap in… because SST Live could have you finding these types of opportunities every single week.

I do it now with hundreds of traders making extra money from the markets.

I used to be in your shoes.

I didn’t come from Wall Street or have a background in trading…

Far from it. I was more conservative.

I went full-time trading in 2007. Quit my job and everything.

In 2004, at the bottom of the tech bubble burst, I dove headfirst into trading tech stocks, low-priced stocks, you name it.

Since it was at the bottom of the market, I rode the elevator up.

With $16,000 squirreled away from my auditing job, I turned that $16k into $50k within a year or so.

When the market is running hot, I have many positions open.

When it’s slow, I have much less.

With SST Live, you get access to 4 of my NEXT picks during the sessions.

Following me… you could’ve got in as Eli Lilly ran parabolic in 2023!

Who is Strategic Swing Trader (SST) Live for?

I saw Warren Buffett was the richest man at the time, and his riches came from the stock market.

Also, in the paper, I read a story of some kid making $1,000,000 trading without any experience. None.

That really got my competitive juices flowing.

If he can do it, so can I!”, I said.

That was literally my catalyst to get into trading.

It was also a bit naive on my part to think the stock market is that easy to profit from.

Today, I’m the Director of Education for T3 Live. The only publication on the market run exclusively by professional traders.

Here I am giving one of the hundreds of talks/videos I’ve done on how to swing trade stocks following my strategies.

Who it’s for:

- New swing traders
- Experienced traders looking for community and new approaches to the market
- Day traders
- Those who tried trading in the past and want to try again
- Option traders (can help you find better entries)

Who it’s NOT for:
- Those looking for “hot stocks” or the next Amazon
- Traders chasing fast cash or 1,000% gains
- Long-term stock buyers

If you already own one of my services: $10 Swing Trader, Strategic Swing Trader, or Strategic Day Trader, you STILL can find some nuggets inside SST Live.

I’d encourage you to still join especially at the low price I’m offering for tickets.

Yes, I lost all my gains in a flash!


Well, the market peaked and none of my ‘buy-and-the-stock-goes-up’ strategies worked. I doubled down… which dug my grave deeper into the red.

I tried options because they were lower cost

Didn’t work. And I still don’t touch options to this day, for the most part.

How’d I finally figure out how to trade successfully?

…I studied.

…I was in the trenches trading.

…I sought out people who could help me.

…I made 7,000+ mistakes.

It took years to master even the basics of trading for me.

Today, I trade full-time, make thousands per month trading.

I’ve traded full-time with my own money for the last 20 years. I teach others because I enjoy it, also because trading alone isn’t very fun either.

Events like SST Live get me excited to not only share what I know… but hear from you and what you’re trading.

The only people who can get the recordings will be those who attend.

Once I close the doors on March 24th, the cart is closed.


If we hit 500 people.

I have a cap at 500 as that’s what I feel I can handle with how much chatter there likely will be during the event. Too many people and it becomes too much.

Not to mention… with 4 trades going out… I don’t want thousands of people piling into one stock.

So, I’m cutting the line off at 500. I can change that to lower or higher at any moment, but if you’re reading this far… I wouldn’t wait.

My trainings have received acclaim… even just quick videos I shoot for YouTube.

With only 4 hours to work…

I’m prepping my very best content to pack in as much value as possible in that span. 

Anyone can be successful at swing trading…

That’s how this truck driver beat out a surgeon

Most live, interactive trading sessions will put you out thousands of dollars.

I know as I’ve charged up to $5,000+ to trade alongside me (and sold out seats).


I’m doing a fast-paced, crash course into how I’ve successfully swing traded with my own money… and done it full-time… for the past 20 years.

I make thousands of dollars per month trading…

I had a 7-figure position on Tesla last year…

I’ve taught thousands of traders like yourself how to trade.

But, rather than give you more courses to work through on your own time… I’ll share my very best secrets over 4 days.

This is all content you’ll get over just 4 hours.

It’s a ton to cover in such a short amount of time.

I’ll be honest, we’ll move fast.

But that’s because we’re in the middle of a rapid rise in the market. This very well could be the start of the next multi-year bull run (after the bear market drop of 2022).

If you missed the 2023 moves (like a 5X in Nvidia), you still have time to make money.

Much of last year was big tech moves.

Now, we’re seeing other assets like gold, Bitcoin, retail stocks balloon.

I’m watching the entire market daily.

And for 4 days, you can strap in for 1 hour per day and join me with SST Live.

You’ll discover in 4 hours over 4 days:

It’ll likely depend on the response.

You can be one of the first to grab a seat to SST Live right now.

The price to join?

Like I said, I charge $2,500 - $5,000+ for live sessions with me. I have services that trade live with me daily that are thousands of dollars…

But you’re not paying anywhere close to that.

I do NOT know if I’ll ever do this again.

Click the button below and you’ll complete getting your spot.

Again, spots are limited.  

If you’re a serious trader, join and get some new strategies and trade ideas for just $99…

If you’re a part-time trader with a job or retired, this is an amazing chance to capitalize on the booming market and pick up some new skills in the market.

The only people who can get the recordings will be those who attend.

Once I close the doors on March 24th, the cart is closed.


If we hit 500 people.

I have a cap at 500 as that’s what I feel I can handle with how much chatter there likely will be during the event. Too many people and it becomes too much.

Not to mention… with 4 trades going out… I don’t want thousands of people piling into one stock.

So, I’m cutting the line off at 500. I can change that to lower or higher at any moment, but if you’re reading this far… I wouldn’t wait.

I’m only allowing 500 people into SST Live.

On Sunday, March 24th, the cart is closed and you’re shut out (perhaps forever). 

Every Monday, I hold a live training with my top swing trading students. I go through our trades, I talk about the market that day, go through setups for the next day and more.

Sami Abusaad
Presenter at SST Live

Grab a seat to SST Live for just $99.

You get the 4 hours of content…

You get the 4 trades to make over 4 days…

Have swing traded Tesla 19 times for over $13k in profits

You DO NOT need to swing this many stocks like I do… but you can build up to it

$7,156 profits from AMD in 2023

And those are just two examples from 2024, so far.

Top 20 best swing trades of all-time for me since 2017

I’ve had trades opened and closed in a few days… others can take a few months.

I’m very open about my track record. The good, bad and ugly.

Still…. 14% gains in an average of 28 days is pretty sweet.

Some trades are small-timey 3% wins:

    - EHTH= had a $9k position in it in 2023… made 3%, so $288. In just 2 days.

That’s nothing to write home about… but that’s okay. $288 to just click buy then sell in 48 hours, that’s a few dinners out.

    - ARR = bought shares for $18k total, made 3% ($559) in less than 24 hours.

I didn’t get greedy either. I sold into strength… took the win and moved on.

Stock then cratered 50% over the next 12 months.

You’ll see the “S” which stands for shorting. We won’t be shorting during SST Live.

So, you would’ve lost about -$61,281 from my top 20 worst trades out of 3,301.

How about the Top 20 best?

Here you go:

Once you go through SST Live, you’ll be caught up on the “talk” and “approach” us expert traders use.

 I walk through all the stocks I’m bullish and bearish on for the next day.

You get access for free to this call. Others pay thousands to be on that call… you get it for free that Monday.

It’s a $99 value (probably more, if I’m being honest) in itself as it’s coaching and trading guidance for the entire week.

$99 free value… for just $99 to access SST Live.

You get the 4 trades over 4 hours over 4 days…

The bonus Monday coaching recording…

A full money back offer if you’re unhappy even AFTER the session is over…

All for less than $25 per day.

Click the button below to grab 1 of the 500 limited seats available. They’ll sell out fast. My top $2,500+ live trainings sold out in February. This will go faster.

Join SST Live on the next page now,

I have given thousands of talks, webinars, videos on my main strategies. Some I’ve done in a live setting too.

One time, in New York, I gave a live trading session. You could learn and trade with me in a hotel conference room.

You get a melting pot of folks coming in. Blue collar, white collar, executives, to truck drivers.

At this session, a surgeon was there and he was smart as a whip. A truck driver sat next to me in rugged jeans furiously taking notes.

You’d think, looking at them, the “smart surgeon” would end up doing better with my swing trading strategies.


The truck driver did better.

He followed what I showed him better… wasn’t making ‘gut’ trades…

Just follow the patterns I show you… wait for the entries… be patient… on very good bullish days, you can make a lot of money.

Some of the share sizes I’ve recommended… you’re making potentially $3,174… $5,440…I’ve made up to $16,125 on one publicly recommended trade.

Of course, we have losers. 58% of the time, trades have seen losses.

I’ve done over 295 Monday coaching sessions… get access to the latest one before SST Live.

Or this one…

IFMK up 138% in just 2 days.

Somedays I close in 0 days because the trade opens at 10:00a and is done by 3:00p.

As of this reading, I currently have open 63 swing trading positions!

Again, my name is Sami Abusaad.

I started trading in my bedroom with $16,000… no help. Nothing at all.

Teaching one of my most reliable patterns.

“This is easy,” I figured.

Yes… that wasn’t the first time beginner’s luck made a new trader cocky.

Thinking I could do it all myself… in 2007, I went full-time and quickly saw my $50k go to negative-$15k.

- How to read a chart to spot a breakout (or breakdown)
- The top 2 indicators I follow on every chart… they’re free
- Why trades are working in 2024 and how to capitalize before the bull run slows
- What timeframe to watch for entering a trade
- Where to set a stop to protect your downside but not get stopped out to fast
- How to ‘leg in’ to a trade fast
- My daily trading routine and schedule if you want to make a good living from the markets
- How to read a candlestick on a chart to know where the market is going
- Danger signs to stay away from a stock
- Why I do NOT read any financial statements when trading
- The #1 pattern I use to spot a big move
- How I trade stocks trading for under $10
- BONUS: How I trade earnings for huge profits 4x per year

BONUS --- I’ll answer your questions you submit throughout the day.

All for less than $25 per day.

You can start by clicking the button below to grab your seat.

For just $99, you’re joining a live, interactive event that’s NEVER been done before inside T3 Live.


If you go through all 4 live days, get all 4 trades, my juiciest trading tips… but you’re not completely happy…

I’ll refund your entire ticket.

That’s how sure I am you’re going to love what I’m putting together for you.

To claim your seat, click the button below.

I’m so confident you’ll love SST Live that I’ll give you 100% your money back AFTER THE EVENT IS OVER if you’re not happy!

I’m only allowing 500 people into SST Live.

On Sunday, March 24th, the cart is closed and you’re shut out (perhaps forever).


The testimonials included in this image are made by individual subscribers to T3 Live Services. The experience of these individuals may not be representative of the experience of other subscribers, like yourself. In addition, the aforementioned testimonials do not guarantee future success by using such services. No consideration was paid to the individuals that submitted these testimonials.

The testimonials included in this image are made by individual subscribers to T3 Live Services. The experience of these individuals may not be representative of the experience of other subscribers, like yourself. In addition, the aforementioned testimonials do not guarantee future success by using such services. No consideration was paid to the individuals that submitted these testimonials.


Join now and I’ll give you a recording of my bonus training session I’m doing with my top traders on Monday the 25th BEFORE the 1st session.